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W E S C O, United Arab Emirates

Listed Under: Equipment and Machinery | Building and Interiors
During the last thirty years most of the Gulf States have experienced a rapid and sustained pace of development in nearly all walks of life. For the United Arab Emirates in particular the pace of these structural changes has coincided with its pioneering role as an oil producer and exporter. Since the advent of the Federation in 1971 the U.A.E. has played a leading role in the development of the petroleum industry especially the adaptation of modern technology. WESCO was established in 1983 as

Product Details
Tools & Equipmetns


Contact Information
Company: W E S C O
Address: P.O.Box 4752 Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Telephone: 02-5554108 / 5554436
Fax: 5553688

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